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      Your Current Location:Home > Recruitment Positions


      welding technology Job Application

      Recruiting Numbers:no limit people

      Required Majors:Professional experience in welding and materials related fields

      Work Location:Weihai, Shandong

      Education:bachelor degree

      Gender:no limit

      Job Category:Welding Engineer

      Job Requirements:

      1. Responsible for the daily work arrangement of the Process Department, and responsible for coordinating the work between the Process Department and other departments; 2. Responsible for the training of personnel in the process department, the improvement of process level, ensuring the practicality of the process, and providing guidance for production; 3. Organize the development of process plans for large, special, and new equipment; Responsible for organizing the development of process management systems and technical standards; 4. Responsible for assessing the workload and work quality of the Process Department; 5. Take leadership responsibility for the quality of work in the process department; 6. Participate in the review of qualified suppliers and the handling of non-conforming products; 7. Participate in internal audits, management reviews, and third-party audits of the company; 8. Participate in the inspection of process discipline; 9. Provide necessary process support for the company's sales and after-sales services; 10. Complete other tasks assigned by the company and superiors.

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