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      Corporate Culture

      Corporate mission: accommodating everything and equipping the world

                ——It interprets the purpose and significance of enterprise existence

      Corporate Vision: Leading domestically and internationally renowned

                ——It is the strategic goal of the enterprise

      Core values: working together to strengthen the enterprise and create a happy home

                ——It is a shared value orientation pursued by the company and its employees to create a home culture where Shidao Heavy Industry gathers talents from all over the world, Shizhong is the home, everyone can do their best, work hard, live a happy life, and enjoy every day. It establishes a corporate culture of goal consensus, emotional win-win, and benefit sharing, and enhances employees' sense of belonging and pride.

      Corporate spirit: unity, pragmatism, innovation, and hard work

               ——Unity is the soul of an enterprise, the foundation of victory, the prerequisite for success, and the guarantee of a career. He demands that we should establish a team, not a gang, unite without division, be lenient to others, be strict with ourselves, learn from others' strengths, and make up for our own shortcomings; Pragmatism, less empty talk, more practical work, less buck passing, more responsibility, less calculation, more contribution, contribution is the only criterion for measuring a person.

      Enterprise strategic positioning: high-end equipment, high-end talent, high-end technology, high-end products, high-end customers, and high-end market

      Enterprise product development direction: large, special, and package

               ——Large containers are developing towards overweight and oversize; Special materials; Package is a turnkey product.

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