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      After the festival, Mount Taishan Group will do a good job of "the first lesson of commencement" to commend the advanced and energetic!

      Release Time:2023-02-11

      Safety in production is more important than Mount Tai

      Start the first lesson,

      Strict security measures!

      For in-depth implementation

      Provincial Party Committee, Provincial Government, and Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government

      Regarding the deployment of safety production series decisions,

      After the official start of the holiday,

      Each company of the group immediately planned and organized

      Carry out the "First Lesson of Construction" activity,

      Lectures will be delivered personally by the main leaders of each company,

      Educate and mobilize all employees to effectively enhance safety awareness,

      Quickly enter working mode,

      Ensure the safety of construction and production in the new year!


      Boiler Company


      Power Equipment Company

      The responsible persons of each company clearly require all employees to overcome post holiday paralysis, quickly enter the working state, and effectively focus their thoughts and energy on their current work; The safety production department should continue to do a good job in case warning education, safety production inspections, employee training, equipment maintenance, emergency plans, emergency drills and other work, strictly implement safety regulations and measures on site, strengthen dynamic inspection and supervision of production sites, and ensure on-site operation safety. All departments and systems should attach great importance to safety production work, layer by layer tighten and compact safety responsibilities, tighten and fasten various chains such as local management, comprehensive coordination of safety departments, "dual responsibilities" of business supervisory departments, and main responsibilities of production departments, and resolutely prevent the occurrence of various production safety accidents.


      Shidao Heavy Industry Company

      Summary, commendation and outlook

      Strive forward in the torrent!

      Break through obstacles!

      Improve in a crisis!

      After the start of the holiday,

      Each company of the group also adopts various forms

      For the past year's hard work

      Achieving excellent results

      Representatives of exemplary individual were commended,

      Encourage all employees to align with excellence and strive to become pioneers and models,

      Constantly contribute to the development and growth of Mount Taishan Group!


      Boiler Company


      Power Equipment Company


      Shidao Heavy Industry Company

      In the past year, all the people of Mount Taishan Group

      Based on the position, courageous in taking on responsibilities, and working hard,

      We have achieved remarkable results in all aspects of our work,

      Among them, a group of outstanding exemplary individual emerged,

      They are sales pioneers, technical backbones

      Production pacesetters, management talents

      It is an outstanding representative and epitome of the struggle of all employees.

      The complete list is as follows


      Here, we would also like to express our appreciation to the exemplary individual

      Warm congratulations!

      To every hardworking and hardworking person

      People of Mount Taishan Group pay high tribute!

      In 2023, let's

      Keep working hard, compose new chapters, and create brilliance again!

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